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HRMS/IUIE User Access Request

This form should be filled out by the manager or supervisor of the employee requiring new or updated access to the HRMS Web-Client and/or IU Information Environment (IUIE) and/or HRMS eDocs. Fill out each field and provide a general description of the user role in your department. Click Submit to send the request to the HRMS Support Center / Data Manager for approval.

Please allow 4-5 business days for this request to be completed.

The employee must complete both the HRMS Data Use Tutorial and the FERPA Tutorial:

Use this form to add, modify, or delete HRMS/IUIE user access:

HR Data Access Request Form

* FERPA Tutorial: Each year thousands of students are employed by IU, so we ask that users of HRMS data take the FERPA Tutorial as a reminder that our HRMS data includes the personal and job data of these students. FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) protects the privacy of student data. The use of student information is governed by federal and state regulations as well as university policy. The FERPA Tutorial will familiarize new users who are requesting access and serve as a reminder to current users who may only be requesting updates to access.